You know the saying April showers bring May flowers? Well that couldn’t be more true. Which is why April is the perfect time to prep your yard for some easy landscaping and curb appeal.
The majority of people who see your home will never see the inside, which is why curb appeal is so important especially when selling. People may judge your house from the second they see it and if it’s nice on the inside but not so nice looking on the outside they may never see the true charm of your home.
Landscaping doesn’t have to be difficult, while a professional is always recommended for the best results there are several steps you can take to improve your home’s appearance. Here are a few steps you can take for some easy landscaping and curb appeal.

The first of these steps is the easiest. Keep the grass cut.
It may seem obvious but many people let their grass grow too tall before cutting it back. This can lead to an unhealthy, yellow lawn in the long run. Keeping your grass trimmed will keep it healthy and green and improve the appearance of your home tenfold.

The next easy step you can take is mulch.
Mulch is a relatively inexpensive way to improve the look of your yard while also keeping trees and plants healthy. Mulch traps in moisture and warmth around tree, shrubs, and flowers. This keeps them from drying out easily in the summer heat and keeps them warmer at night protecting them better from any late frosts. Mulch also comes in many colors and textures making it versatile to match to your yard and home.
The next tip I offer is one of my family’s biggest secrets. Preen.
Many people have never heard of preen but as someone who grew up growing 50% of our own food I can say it is a life saver. Preen is a mix that can be put down under mulch or a layer of soil that keeps weeds from growing as fast or as easily. Now Preen is not cheap but it is certainly worth it. (No I promise this is not an add) Before laying down mulch or other bedding sprinkle a good layer of Preen. Then cover with mulch or dirt and enjoy a weed-free flower bed all summer long. (it is important to note that some weeds still prevail but when they do they will grow slowly and it will be harder for them to survive, giving you more time to pull them before they are noticeable) Preen is great for flower beds but it is important to note that it will kill any seeds. So it is best to plant seeds elsewhere and then plant them in the flower bead when they are mostly established plants.

The final tip for improving curb appeal is…. To add your own twist to it!
Everyone has a unique style and while this is usually reflected inside the home it can also be reflected on the outside. Use bright flowers, calming plants, and tasteful yard ornaments to add character and life to your yard with little effort. Small trees and shrubs can easily add elegance without needed constant care. Some well placed pots filled with low care perennials can add some detail to an otherwise bland yard.
All of these tips should be easy and time effective ways to upgrade your curb appeal without breaking the bank.
If you are considering selling your home these tips can help improve your home’s appearance which can lead to you getting your home sold faster and for more money. If you are considering selling you home or have questions about curb appeal and how it affects home sales give us a call at 864 -909-9762.