WHU Team Holiday Traditions


This year has been consistently crazy and that means that Christmas is going to look different for most people. That might make this year the perfect opportunity to add some new traditions to your holiday. These are a few and the Welcome Home Upstate Team’s favorite Christmas traditions.

Darlene Elmer’s favorite traditions:

Darlene and her husband Brian enjoy watching It’s A Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve and swapping one special gift. On Christmas morning they enjoy Irish coffee and listen to Christmas music while making homemade cinnamon rolls. They then go visit and celebrate with friends before heading home for Brian’s homemade lasagna while they open the rest of their gifts.

Sonya Abeja’s favorite traditions:

Sonya her husband, and four children have many Christmas traditions. One of their all-time favorites is building gingerbread houses together but with a Twist. The Abeja family makes their cottage village out of pop tarts! Another of their favorite traditions is waking up Christmas morning to take a family photo before opening all of their presents.

Grace Lothridge’s favorite traditions:

Grace enjoys going to spend Christmas with her family in Charlotte. Her favorite traditions include building an entire gingerbread village with her two sisters while watching Christmas movies. She and her family then wake up early on Christmas morning for homemade chocolate chip pancakes and then open all of their presents. They finish their holiday by taking a family photo, of course including the dogs, in front of the Christmas tree.


These traditions hold a special place in the heart of the team. What Holiday traditions do you hold dear and which new traditions do you think you and your family will adopt this year?

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